Marpa Monthly – June 2013

Categories: Marpa Monthly

Marpa Monthly

Welcome to the June 2013 Marpa Monthly Update, letting you know about events, volunteering opportunities and more at Marpa House.


Marpa HouseMarpa House operates with semi-permanent staff members who keep the house open to visitors, retreatants and those attending the various large and small courses that take place during the year. Currently we are looking for a cleaner / housekeeper. As a volunteer you would live at the house and receive a small honorarium to cover basic costs of living. All meals and accommodation are provided free of charge, and you have the opportunity to work, live, study and practise at Marpa House. To find out more please contact the House Administrator at Marpa House, or speak to one of the Committee members.


Meditation Practice Day Sunday 2 June, 10.30am and 2.30pm A day of calm abiding meditation, led by Amy Corzine.
Tibetan Language Day Saturday 15 June – 10.30am and 2.00pm  This day is set up for students who were able to take part in the recent Tibetan Language Course with the Venerable Khenpo Gyurme. We decided to meet once a month to continue with our study of Tibetan. Anyone who can read and write Tibetan and can use a Tibetan dictionary is welcome to join the group. Fee: £5 per day to cover photocopy costs and any other related expenses.
Young Sangha Weekend Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 JuneThe Young Sangha Weekend is open to anyone between ages 18 and 40 who is interested in Buddhism and meditation. Newcomers are particularly welcome. The weekend will follow an informal structure including meditation, chanting and discussion. All the cooking will be done communally. Please contact Ben Henriques via Marpa House if you are interested in attending.

Volunteers Gardening Weekend Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 June Please come and help us look after the garden as we don’t have a permanent gardener on staff at the moment. There are a variety of jobs to be done and we can enjoy doing them together. Accommodation and meals will be provided free to volunteers. Come and enjoy the garden, Marpa House, and each other.


Silent Retreat with Lama Klaus

Monday 19 to Sunday 25 August

Lama KlausCourse fee: £192, including food and accommodation

The Venerable Lama Klaus will give an introductory talk at 11am on Monday morning 19th August. He will start the retreat formally with a meditation session after lunch. There will be scheduled meditation sessions in the shrine room every day but individuals can opt in or out of these as they wish; some may prefer to sit in their own rooms or the garden or to go for walks. During the week there will be time for question and answer sessions or one-to-one discussions with Lama Klaus. The retreat will conclude with a Chenrezi Puja and tsok offering on Sunday morning.

Please book early as places are limited so that everyone can have their own single room. You will have to commit to the full course. It will not be possible to attend as a day visitor. To secure your booking we are asking for a non-refundable deposit of £90.


To celebrate and support Marpa House, Ben Henriques is organising a sponsored walk to take place in the beautiful north Essex countryside. Sponsorship doesn’t have to come from Lama Chime Rinpoche’s sangha, anyone who wants to support the centre is very welcome to contribute. People can either sponsor a walker per mile or for the event as a whole. The suggested donation is £10. For those who are walking, a sponsorship form is available from Marpa House so you can keep track of who is sponsoring you! The walk will be from Newport Station to Marpa House on an easy route. If you want to sign up for the walk please contact Eva, the Marpa House Secretary, to book a place.


On Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 November there will be two events to celebrate 40 years of Marpa House and to thank Lama Chime Rinpoche for founding Marpa House.

On Saturday 9 November there will be a Black Tie Celebration at Ashdon Village Hall from 7pm onwards. Tickets are selling fast so if you would like to come along please buy your tickets soon as there is limited space. The party will feature live music, food, dancing and much more. Tickets cost £20 each and are available to buy via PayPal. For more information please contact Eva, the Marpa House Secretary, or speak to Neeltje or Sian on the Marpa House Committee. On Sunday 10 November there will be a Tea Party to mark the 40th anniversary of the official opening ceremony of Marpa House. More information will follow in later editions of the Marpa monthly email.

To book accommodation at Marpa House for the weekend, please contact the Marpa House Secretary. 
Having completed the retreat bathroom earlier this year, we were all set to go with the refurbishment of the ‘Men’s’ bathroom area upstairs, with plans for the work to be carried out this summer. Unfortunately the quote for the work was quite a bit more than we expected, so disappointingly we have put this project on hold for a while. We are now obtaining a full breakdown of the quote to see where savings can be made, as well as obtaining alternative quotes.   Over the last few years we have achieved a huge amount with the refurbishment of the retreat rooms and retreat bathroom, the office, and several bedrooms, but the realisation has hit us that the forthcoming projects are likely to be more costly than previously expected, as well as more involved, and we haven’t yet approached the area of the back kitchen/toilets! While we are certainly dedicated to carrying out this work, our 40/40 project is definitely extending into a 50/50 if not beyond!    While we have a number of fundraising events coming up, including a Sponsored Walk and the Black Tie event, we are still very reliant on your generosity, and all donations are very welcome! We are extremely grateful to all of you who have donated so far, it is because of your kindness and support that we have achieved as much as we have. We hope that your support continues so that this amazingly special place that Rinpoche established 40 years ago, continues well into the future, and that we and future generations will have this place to come to and meet with the Dharma. Thank you, from The Trustees


It is easy to donate to Marpa House and to help ensure that Marpa House is here for at least another 40 years. All you have to do is click this button below:

Thank you for your ongoing support and interest in Marpa House!
with best wishes,
Marpa House Committee
Marpa House Committee

  Marpa House Committee Members


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Author: MaRpA